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Parkinson Wellness Recovery  certified

Aryelle Barbagallo
Physical Therapist


B.S. Health Sciences & Psychology l Nazareth College


Doctorate of Physical Therapy l Nazareth College


  • PWR! Moves certified therapist for people with Parkinson’s



Aryelle graduated from Nazareth College in 2023 with her Doctorate in physical therapy. She has past clinical experience in inpatient, outpatient and pediatric settings in Syracuse, Buffalo, Texas, and Rochester. Her thirst for creativity has made her passion to work with individuals with neurological diagnoses grow.


Aryelle loves to incorporate individuals passions, goals, and needs into treatment sessions that address their unique journey through life, resulting in increased confidence and a love for healthy movement. She is inspired by a challenge and works to find strategies to promote a fun, safe, and stimulating environment.


In Aryelle's free time, she enjoys spending time with her family and friends, cycling, and reading. She loves to stay busy, advocate for mental health awareness, spend time with her dogs, and try new food recipes.


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Engage your Brain,
Move your Body,
Feel Better




3175 East Genesee Street Suite 5

Syracuse, NY 13224

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NO PROVIDER-PATIENT RELATIONSHIP: This website does not create or constitute a provider-patient relationship between you and any of our providers and does not create any duty for any provider to follow up with you.

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