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Understanding Medicare Coverage
Today we are diving into the exciting topic of Medicare coverage! It may seem dull but having a better understanding of Medicare is an...
Engage PT, OT, SLP Therapy and Wellness
Oct 15, 20243 min read

What You Need to Know About Medicare Open Enrollment: Exploring the Basics
Medicare open enrollment is a crucial time for people 65 and over to make decisions regarding their healthcare coverage. Understanding...
Engage PT, OT, SLP Therapy and Wellness
Oct 8, 20243 min read

Unlocking the Power of Neurologic Physical Therapy: Celebrating Possibilities in Physical Therapy Month
October is physical therapy month and Engage Therapy and Wellness is celebrating all that their physical therapists do for our community!...
Engage PT, OT, SLP Therapy and Wellness
Oct 1, 20243 min read

Vertigo: Why does it feel like the room is spinning?
Vertigo is a general term to describe feelings of dizziness. It is when someone has the sensation of the room spinning or that they are...
Engage PT, OT, SLP Therapy and Wellness
Sep 24, 20242 min read

Get Back into Balance
Most of the time, no matter what someone is coming to see us for here at Engage Therapy and Wellness, balance (or lack thereof) is one of...
Engage PT, OT, SLP Therapy and Wellness
Sep 17, 20243 min read

Physical Therapy and Fall Prevention
Physical therapy can play a crucial role in fall prevention by focusing on improving strength, balance, flexibility, and mobility. Here...
Engage PT, OT, SLP Therapy and Wellness
Sep 10, 20243 min read

Join the Flamingo Challenge
There are 3 main systems that help keep us balanced: our visual system (eyes), sensory system (feet), and vestibular system (inner ears)....
Engage PT, OT, SLP Therapy and Wellness
Sep 3, 20242 min read

How can Therapy help with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome?
Physical and occupational therapy can play a crucial role in managing Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS), a connective tissue disorder that...
Engage PT, OT, SLP Therapy and Wellness
Aug 27, 20242 min read

How can Physical Therapy help with POTS?
Physical therapy can play a crucial role in managing Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) by focusing on improving...
Engage PT, OT, SLP Therapy and Wellness
Aug 20, 20242 min read

What is the Dysautonomia Trifecta? (EDS, POTS, and MCAS)
The term "Dysautonomia trifecta" refers to a commonly observed cluster of conditions that tend to occur together in some individuals....
Engage PT, OT, SLP Therapy and Wellness
Aug 13, 20243 min read

What is Dysautonomia?
Dysautonomia refers to a group of medical conditions that affect the autonomic nervous system (ANS). The ANS regulates automatic...
Engage PT, OT, SLP Therapy and Wellness
Aug 6, 20242 min read

Drink Up: How to stay hydrated
Last week we focused on the importance of staying hydrated and how it can impact your overall health. This week we are going to share...
Engage PT, OT, SLP Therapy and Wellness
Jul 30, 20242 min read

Drink Up: The Importance of Hydration
The definition of staying hydrated means that your body has enough fluid to function properly, nearly every bodily function requires...
Engage PT, OT, SLP Therapy and Wellness
Jul 23, 20242 min read

Home Management Strategies for Orthostatic Hypotension
Orthostatic hypotension refers to a drop in blood pressure that occurs when a person stands up from a sitting or lying position. Managing...
Engage PT, OT, SLP Therapy and Wellness
Jul 23, 20242 min read

How do you measure Orthostatic Hypotension?
Orthostatic hypotension (OH) refers to a drop in blood pressure that occurs when a person stands up from a sitting or lying position....
Engage PT, OT, SLP Therapy and Wellness
Jul 9, 20242 min read

What is Orthostatic Hypotension?
Orthostatic hypotension (OH) — also called postural hypotension — is a sudden, steep drop in blood pressure that happens when a person...
Engage PT, OT, SLP Therapy and Wellness
Jul 2, 20242 min read

What is Functional Neurological Disorder (FND)?
Functional Neurological Disorder (FND), previously known as Conversion Disorder, is a condition in which a person experiences...
Engage PT, OT, SLP Therapy and Wellness
Jun 4, 20243 min read

Unlocking the Connection: Exploring the Link Between Voice Use and Throat Clearing
By Kathryn Graves SLP In my practice, I’ve seen many people who develop a pattern of throat clearing directly related to how they use...
Engage PT, OT, SLP Therapy and Wellness
May 28, 20242 min read

Meet our Speech Therapist - Anya
Where are you from? I'm from Ann Arbor, Michigan (go blue!), where I grew up. I have lived in Chicago, Illinois, Bowling Green, Ohio,...
Engage PT, OT, SLP Therapy and Wellness
May 21, 20242 min read

The Importance of Voice Hygiene - Part 2
In Part 1 of our blog on voice hygiene, we talked about how important it is to keep your voice healthy by staying hydrated and avoiding...
Engage PT, OT, SLP Therapy and Wellness
May 14, 20242 min read

The Importance of Voice Hygiene
Protecting your voice is important. Our voice is one piece of what makes us individuals. We don’t often think about how we are using our...
Engage PT, OT, SLP Therapy and Wellness
May 7, 20242 min read

Tips from Jamie, OT - Financial management
If you’ve had occupational therapy now or in the past, you may have practiced tasks like dressing, bathing and self care. But did you...
Engage PT, OT, SLP Therapy and Wellness
Apr 30, 20241 min read

What Makes Occupational Therapy Different?
When arriving at an occupational therapy evaluation or hearing about services for the first time, you may be wondering, “what even is...
Engage PT, OT, SLP Therapy and Wellness
Apr 23, 20244 min read

Meet our Occupational Therapist Chloe!
Where are you from? I am from the small town of Barneveld which is near Utica NY. I was always very excited growing up when my parents...
Engage PT, OT, SLP Therapy and Wellness
Apr 16, 20242 min read
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