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Engage PT, OT, SLP Therapy and Wellness
Sep 27, 20222 min read
How Can Infrared Goggles Help with Dizziness?
Does the room feel like it is spinning? Are you experiencing dizziness? Infrared goggles are helpful tools to determine where the...

Engage PT, OT, SLP Therapy and Wellness
Sep 20, 20222 min read
How Physical Therapy can help with Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)?
Every year millions of individuals experience vertigo, a sensation that you or the room are spinning. This sensation can be very...

Engage PT, OT, SLP Therapy and Wellness
Sep 13, 20222 min read
What is vestibular therapy? How can PT help with dizziness?
There are three components that make up our balance system: vision, somatosensory, and the inner ear, or vestibular system. The visual...

Engage PT, OT, SLP Therapy and Wellness
Sep 6, 20222 min read
Vertigo: Why does it feel like the room is spinning?
Vertigo is a general term to describe feelings of dizziness. It is when someone has the sensation of the room spinning or that they are...

Engage PT, OT, SLP Therapy and Wellness
Aug 30, 20224 min read
Interview with Dr. Liz discussing the benefit of working with a therapy team
No matter the condition, having a team of different disciplines that is able to work together is beneficial to patient care. This is...

Engage PT, OT, SLP Therapy and Wellness
Oct 31, 20201 min read
Get some OMMM in your life: At home yoga
Check out Liz's you tube video going over some yoga poses you can do at home!

Engage PT, OT, SLP Therapy and Wellness
Oct 31, 20203 min read
Get some OMMM in your life: The benefits of Yoga
When you think of yoga what comes to mind may be pretzel like moves or headstands. But yoga is a very adaptable practice with benefits...

Engage PT, OT, SLP Therapy and Wellness
Oct 31, 20202 min read
Does your blood pressure feel like it is playing low can you go?
Drops in blood pressure when changing positions like getting out of bed or standing from a chair is called orthostatic hypotension. This...

Engage PT, OT, SLP Therapy and Wellness
Oct 30, 20203 min read
High Intensity Exercises: A key to your action plan!
Exercise is medicine when it comes to many conditions, with Parkinson's Disease not being an exception. Over the past 5-10 years there...

Engage PT, OT, SLP Therapy and Wellness
Oct 30, 20202 min read
It is OK to make a face - 6 easy facial exercises!
A common point of frustration for those with Parkinson's disease is facial masking. This can be caused by weakness in the facial muscles...

Engage PT, OT, SLP Therapy and Wellness
Oct 30, 20201 min read
How to keep things moving: Dealing with constipation and Parkinson
Constipation is a common issue in Parkinson's with 63% of individuals with PD reporting this to be a non-motor sign of their PD. For...

Engage PT, OT, SLP Therapy and Wellness
Oct 30, 20201 min read
Massage and Deep Breathing for Constipation
A strategy that may help with constipation is massage to your abdomen. This can be a helpful addition to the strategies discussed in our...

Engage PT, OT, SLP Therapy and Wellness
Oct 30, 20201 min read
Does a squatty potty really work?
You have probably heard of the squatty potty...and probably laughed at the name. You also may have asked yourself does this really work....

Engage PT, OT, SLP Therapy and Wellness
Oct 30, 20201 min read
Festinating Gait: It is a run away train
Do you ever feel your walking is turning into a runaway train? This is a common symptom in Parkinson's Disease where your steps get...

Engage PT, OT, SLP Therapy and Wellness
Oct 30, 20202 min read
Importance of a Positive Mindset
I can speak from my own experience about mindset that if I go into an activity like training for a 5 k and tell myself that I am not...

Engage PT, OT, SLP Therapy and Wellness
Oct 30, 20202 min read
Gratitude Practice
Stress and anxiety are common with PD. One goal we have is to arm you with strategies and practices to combat these symptoms. Today we...

Engage PT, OT, SLP Therapy and Wellness
Oct 30, 20202 min read
You aren't lazy...its apathy
So often people with PD feel discouraged that it is hard to get motivated, especially when it comes to exercise and making lifestyle...

Engage PT, OT, SLP Therapy and Wellness
Oct 30, 20202 min read
Setting goals and staying motivated
As we enter a new year, it is a great time to set new goals. Research shows that it can take an average of 66 days to develop a habit. ...

Engage PT, OT, SLP Therapy and Wellness
Oct 30, 20201 min read
What to expect from a Telehealth Visit?
A telehealth appointment is just like a regular appointment with your therapist but from your home. You will sit in front of a camera...

Engage PT, OT, SLP Therapy and Wellness
Aug 10, 20203 min read
Did you know there were Physical Therapists who specialize in Parkinson’s Disease?
So often I am asked about helping people with their sports related injury. My response is that I can get you started but I am not the...
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