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How can Bioness help?

Writer: Engage PT, OT, SLP Therapy and WellnessEngage PT, OT, SLP Therapy and Wellness

Updated: May 6, 2023

Bioness L300

Bioness products are wearable devices to help stimulate the nerves that activate the muscles around your knee or ankle. These products, called functional electrical stimulation systems, send signals to your nerves to activate neuromuscular pathways in your legs that are required for activities such as walking. This allows the person wearing the device to achieve a more natural walking pattern. Research has shown that the use of the L300 device can help people increase their range of motion and muscle strength in the leg. This helps people reduce their risk of falls, improve balance, increase confidence and independence.

The L300 Go devices are Bioness products designed for people with conditions such as stroke, multiple sclerosis, traumatic brain injury, or cerebral palsy, who experience foot drop or knee instability. There are two devices: the thigh cuff, designed to be worn around your mid-thigh to help bend and straighten your knee, and the lower cuff, designed to be worn below the knee to stimulate the muscles that lift your toes when walking. The L300 Go device stimulates your nerves throughout your walking cycle, to help stabilize your knee or lift your toes at the right time while walking. This can allow you to walk smoother, faster, and for longer distances than you would without the device.

Some people wear both the L300 Go thigh and lower cuff, while others may require only one. Many people who use Bioness products have been able to reduce or eliminate the use of their KAFOs or AFOs when walking. The L300 Go devices are easy to get on and off with a soft and flexible design. They can be easily turned on and off on the device itself, or from your phone.

The physical therapists at Engage have experience working with Bioness devices and can help you determine if you may benefit from using one. A local Bioness representative can work with you and your therapist to get you fit for a device and learn how to set it up, so you can use it at home and in the community.

Do you have questions if the Bioness products might be right for you? Contact Engage Therapy & Wellness in Syracuse NY at 315-810-2423 or to speak with one of our therapists and gain more information.


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