You may be wondering why applying sunscreen is important, besides being a generally healthy behavior. There is a correlation between those with PD and developing Melanoma. Melanoma is a type of skin cancer.
The relationship is not completely understood at this time but it has been found that there is a 4x greater chance of someone with PD developing Melanoma and a 4x greater chance of someone with Melanoma developing PD.
What are other risk factors for developing Melanoma?
Increased age
Personal and family history of melanoma
Fair skin, light eyes
Exposure to UV rays
What can you do to help prevent melanoma?
See a dermatologist for a yearly check up and if you are seeing any changes in moles set up an appointment.
Visit the National Institute for Health website on checking moles
Make sure to wear waterproof sunscreen that is at least SPF 30. Make sure if protects against UVA and UVB rays.
Minimize sun exposure. Wear protective clothing.
Avoid sun exposure at peak times of day (midday).
Avoid UV lights - skip the tanning bed.
